Eh! Mon enfant depuis la revolution nous sommes comme vous.

Paris: Hautecoeur Martinet. 1830-1835.
Lithograph with hand colouring (255x190mm) by an unknown artist. Printed by Delaunois. The image, which might be from the satirical journal "La Caricature" although this is not clear, shows a young woman with two babies standing outside a priests' house. A priest has come to answer the door and she is asking him for charity. He is saying that since the revolution priest are like her (i.e. short of money). The doors open to reveal five priests drinking and cavorting. This print is typical of those which features in "La Caricature" and which showed a door or window which opens to reveal a visual joke (in this case a satirical anti-clerical dig) not anticipated by the principal image. Mounted on white card but unframed.
Lithograph with hand colouring (255x190mm) by an unknown artist. Printed by Delaunois. The image, which might be from the satirical journal "La Caricature" although this is not clear, shows a young woman with two babies standing outside a priests' house. A priest has come to answer the door and she is asking him for charity. He is saying that since the revolution priest are like her (i.e. short of money). The doors open to reveal five priests drinking and cavorting. This print is typical of those which features in "La Caricature" and which showed a door or window which opens to reveal a visual joke (in this case a satirical anti-clerical dig) not anticipated by the principal image. Mounted on white card but unframed.