Le Nu en Photographie
Le Nu en Photographie Le Nu en Photographie Le Nu en Photographie Le Nu en Photographie Le Nu en Photographie Le Nu en Photographie Le Nu en Photographie Le Nu en Photographie

Paris: Aux Éditions Tiranty. 1945.

265x189mm. pp. 40, [2]. XXXII black and white photographs. Card covers with illustrated paper wrappers. Foxing and marking to the covers but overall a very good copy and internally in excellent condition, especially the photographs which are by Laure Albin Guillot, Pierre Boucher, Man Ray and Roger Schall. The first half of the book is a brief history of the nude in art from antiquity to the 20th century and there isa chapter at the end on the technique of nude photography. The photographs are grouped according to "Les Diverses Conceptions du Nu" which includes Man Ray's "Stylised Nudes" and Pierre Boucher's "Les Fantasmagories du Nu", an extraordinary collection of surrealist works. See also item number 2275 which is a similar volume from 1949 also by Natkin but featuring different photographers and artistic styles.